
The Queer Zest Zine Fest 2024

The Queer Zest Zine Fest is a 100% virtual 9-day zine fest. The event will take place November 9-17, 2024, featuring a virtual artist alley, live-streamed workshops, and social meetups. While you don’t have to be queer to attend, we do ask that you remain respectful of the fact that this is a queer space and follow our Policies.

We are currently working on creating the schedule for the fest. Stay tuned!

Excited? Use the hashtags #QueerZest, #QueerZestZineFest or #qzzf24 for a chance to be featured!


We are partnered with Wasted Ink Zine Distro to promote their event Distro Talks with Charissa, happening November 12th, 9pm EST. Check them out!

Queer Zest Zine Fest is a member of the comicsfair.online webring. Check out other online comics and zine fairs here:


More Info

What are Zines?

Zines are small self-published booklets on topics as varied as prose, poetry, comics, non-fiction, art, photography, personal narratives, and more. Zines are generally produced with a printer or photocopier—with digital zines becoming more and more popular—and distributed by the same individual or group who created them, with a print run of 1000 or less for print zines. Zines are associated with underground subcultures and have traditionally been a voice of those who are underprivileged or misrepresented in society.

What is a Zine Fest?

A zine fest is an event, usually in person, but increasingly online, where zine creators sell and trade their work, socialize with other zine creators (“zinesters”) and zine fans, and where attendees can attend talks, panels, workshops, and/or open mics. There are specifically queer zine fests all over the world!

Why Queer Zines?

LGBT periodicals existed as early as 1870, with the publishing of Uranus by Karl Heinrich Ulrichs. Germany had several queer periodicals in the 1920’s, Die Freundschaft, Die Freundin, and Frauenliebe. Queer life thrived in Germany at that time, but fascism in the 1930’s forced LGBT folks back underground. Although these publications were not specifically categorized as “zines” (the word didn’t exist then), they were independently published booklets and distributed on a small scale.

In 1950’s USA, homosexuality was believed to be tied to Communism, and openly LGBT people were often imprisoned. The UK also had high-profile homosexual arrests at that time period. Gay men were often subject to entrapment in order to “catch” them in homosexual behavior, and bars frequented by LGBT folks were often raided. Even with that risk, the community was driven to find each other, and covert organizations formed. 

The Mattachine Society was a society for gay men which published a journal with articles on dealing with police, how to avoid entrapment and other stories of interest to the gay community. The Daughters of Bilitis, formed independently of Mattachine Society, published a newsletter for lesbians which was distributed quietly from person to person and via mail. For an in-depth analysis of these societies and other independent LGBT newsletters, see this article “The Fountain Pen and the Typewriter”: The Rise of the Homophile Press in the 1950s and 1960s or the documentary series Equal on HBO.

In present times, many LGBT and queer folks live isolated lives. Although queer rights have progressed in the US, UK and other countries significantly since the 1950s, folks in rural and isolated areas still struggle to find community and connection. Zines are a form of self-expression as well as a way to connect with others. Online zine swaps and zine fests bring together people and ideas from around the world. It is crucial for LGBT and queer folks to know that they are not alone.